who knows what secrets lurk in the hearts of white people? only the white shadow knows....

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Mighty White Women Everywhere

White women make my life as a white woman very hard. Everyday I have to fight all those horrible stereotypes (deserved or not), everyday I have to show that I actually do understand how race works in this society, everyday I have to fight as a woman for all women. And just when I think things got better after the Hilary/Geraldine horror show, along comes Sarah Palin and it starts up again.

How can white women do this to me and to the country?

Let us call this for what it is. This isn't about vaginas. This is about race. This is about white women wanting a white person, preferably a white woman, in the white house. Really, all these white women could less about their politics and committment to a better world - voted for Hilary is the same for Sarah? No. Racism strikes its ugly head. And as usual, white women are going to forget the common fight.

I give up.