who knows what secrets lurk in the hearts of white people? only the white shadow knows....

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Going off the deep end....

In a May 30, 2008 op-ed piece in the Boston Globe, Geraldine Ferraro seems to have gone a little wacko (as if all the other offensive pieces she has written didn't show that already). In terms of why white working class voters might not vote for Obama, she says its not because of his race, it because of Obama's racism! And,
"They don't identify with someone who has gone to Columbia and Harvard Law School and is married to a Princeton-Harvard Law graduate."
And yet they do identify with someone who has gone to Wellesley and Yale Law School and is married to a Georgetown-Yale Law graduate? Who knew the white working class were so open minded? I guess it is just the going to an Ivy for undergrad isn't what they like. Now I know not to run for national office!

I was thinking of giving this week's mighty white award to Portland, OR, but instead it is going to good old Gerry! Now excuse me while I drive off in my Delorean....

For the complete article, click here.

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