who knows what secrets lurk in the hearts of white people? only the white shadow knows....

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Subway Musings, Part II

I got on the subway today and there were two people taking up a lot of space - which meant there was room for me to sit down. One, was a man with his legs spread apart (why do all men sit this way?), and there was a woman next to him reading a rather large bible (with highlighter in hand, of course). So in order to sit, the woman was going to have to move a bit. And while I let my hips do the talking, I ever so slightly bumped into her bible. After jamming myself into the seat (I am not a large person - but the woman refused to move an inch), I looked at her and apologized (for the bible bumping, not the hips a thumping). And she GLARED at me. Not very Christian of her, was it?

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