who knows what secrets lurk in the hearts of white people? only the white shadow knows....

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

What Would Jesus Do?

Even today when I do something nice for someone (like giving up a seat on the subway, or holding the door), there is a good chance that I will be told "That was mighty Christian of you." Ooooh, so close to being mighty white! Anyhoo, for today's post, we are going to have switch it around a bit, and say to Senator Joe Lieberman, "That was mighty Jewish of you." (I couldn't in good faith use Christian, as that would really make me mighty Christian!)

Its bad enough that Lieberman continues to insinuate that Obama is a secret Muslim (not that there would be anything wrong with that - mighty Mulism indeed), but that he behind much of the agita in the Jewish community on how Obama is perceived.

Now Lieberman is calling Obama "sleazy." Not very Jewish or Christian, if you ask me.

When is Harry Reid going to take Lieberman down for the good of the party? I know the Dems have a one person majority, but this is just embarassing. I look forward to the day that Reid ousts Lieberman and then I can say, "Harry, that was downright Mormon of you."

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