who knows what secrets lurk in the hearts of white people? only the white shadow knows....

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Overseer

I have to admit, Bill Clinton has always been a little too redneck white trash for me. And one can never really get rid their roots, you know? No what how much money you make, lose, etc., your core is your core - even people who had terrible childhoods have to work really hard their entire lives to not lapse. Doesn't mean people can't change, they just to work at really hard every day.

So, this whole Bill is going to endorse Barack makes me a little uneasy. The fact that Barack has to kowtow, and they are going to have dinner "on the former President's turf," makes me feel like someone has a lot of power and is forcing someone, who also has a lot of power, to bend. Its like Bill has become the Overseer of the (Democratic Party) plantation, and will let Barack know he doesn't tolerate any kind of "uppity-ness." And why isn't Bill the Plantation Owner? Like I said, he's white trash and we all know who did the dirty work for the slave owners.

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