who knows what secrets lurk in the hearts of white people? only the white shadow knows....

Friday, July 11, 2008

Post race

In reporting on Jesse's nuts gaffe, the NY Times states,
"if Mr. Jackson is no longer the leader of black Democrats, it seems fair to ask if Mr. Obama, in fact, is."
Blacks must have a leader!!! I mean, they are this giant monolith and only listen one person, and that person was Jesse! No, it was Farrakhan! Wait, wasn't it Al? And now you tell me that there are Black people who don't listen to any of them? Head exploding!

Seriously folks, so many white people are chomping at the bit for a "post-racial" world - that by breaking apart the old black guard (which was going to happen at some point), and then questioning if the "new black leader" can lead blacks (this is where I interject, where is the leader of the white Democrats?), what they are hoping for is that there is no "black leader." Without a leader, and everyone is on the Obama train, regardless of race, then we must live in a post-racial world.

Except this post-racial world would still run by white people (Obama running the country or not). Did anything really change?

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